Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Impact of Global Politic to Cambodia/ informal

The Impact of Global Politic to Cambodia

As we already know, the Cool War ended during 1991, and the world politics also change, because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, so most of this country’s alliances have change from support Communist to support the Capitalist country, which mostly know is United State of America and their alliances. That was the truth; Cambodia during 1991 is an also communist country too, 1989-1993, State of Cambodia. Before the ended Cool war Cambodia also supported by many Communist countries, especially since 1975, the economic and the state administration seem like the communist. So what are the impacts of global politics to Cambodia after the ended of Cool War?
There are bad and good impacts to Cambodia after the ended of Cool War:

1.    Good impact
After the ended of Cool War, we notice that Cambodia start to form their nation to the democracy country by follow to the Paris Peace Agreement (PPA) on 23 October 1991. So we can say that PPA is the first nut to growing Cambodia like today, with the Free Market System.

1.1.             Paris peace Agreement, PPA
The PPA was signed by Cambodia on 23 October 1991, after the ended of Cool War, why PPA has good impact to Cambodia.
First of all, the presence of United Nation Transitional Authority in Cambodia, UNTAC, which would: supervise the ceasefire, the end of foreign military assistance and the withdrawal of foreign forces; regroup, canton and disarm all armed forces of the Cambodian parties, and ensure a 70% level of demobilization; control and supervise the activities of the administrative structures, including the police; ensure and respect of human rights; and organize and conduct free and fair elections.
Second, the first election after this country was far away from National Election since had the Coupe D’état the former King Norodm Sihanuk by the General Non Nol in 1970. There were over 4.2 million or nearly 90% of the registered voters cast their ballot to elect a Constituent Assembly.
Third, form a new government, after the voted day UNTAC declared the election free and fair. In September 1993 the Constitution was proclaimed and a new government led by two Prime Minister, so the sign of the government which chosen by people will show that Cambodia is a democracy nation, which led to change the Trade system From the Planning System to the Free Market System, in order to attract the investor to support Cambodia economic also to develop Cambodia from the poverty line.

1.2.             Free Market system
Since Cambodia form the new government in 1993, that new government start to make up the trade system from the Planning system to the Free Market system. Free Market system could attract many investors to invest in Cambodia because there have small amount of government control, in which price and earning are decided by the level of demand for, also the production of good and services, but the security and the political stability in Cambodia is in weakness, so the new government shall be establish the investment law in 1994, labor law in 1997, and other law which guarantee for security to the investor with their investment in Cambodia, if they have confidence on Cambodia, they will come, so the money is come too. When Cambodia have many investment, the job market also increase, so the standard of living also better than before.

1.3.             ASEAN Free Trade Area 2015
ASEAN shall be the large market which have more than 600 million people or 8.8 percentage of the total people in the world, Cambodia integrate to the ASEAN is allow to have the exchange products, services, investments, and the skillful labor force between Cambodia and all the ASEAN states members. It is better than Europe Free Trade Area, EFTA because ASEAN no need tariff for member and not members. What are the advantages of ASEAN or AFTA?
There are five advantages which ASEAN nations get from
a.       ASEAN is going to establish the co-cooperation in region bigger and bigger and also encourage to all AEAN Nations, governments, and all members to increase their abilities to be better for the challenges in the market
b.       All member of ASEAN shall be the main key for the foreign investment because after establishing the ASEAN, all members shall be the big market in the world. The barrier of all production from ASEAN shall decrease to zero and also extent the product to the partner states, such as China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, and New Zealand.
c.       The combination of ASEAN will lead the export to the world market with the hard challenges, but will bring back the investment to other sectors with the suitable industry.
d.       The great occasion for Tourism sector, which grab the tourists in and out region, the ASEAN people also as the same as the outer tourists will be easily on their trip from one state to other one state in ASEAN.
e.       The great occasion of Internationalize and Health care system in regional area, people will be easily finding the Health care service with the high qualities with any low price.
Because Cambodia is a State in ASEAN member states, so those benefit shall be for Cambodia also, it means that Cambodia have many advantages after the collapsed of cool war, because the Global political has changed from control by military but instant by trade.

1.4.             Integration
Start from cool war collapse, Cambodia start to integrate itself in to the region, and the world, but there could be many strategies are set up.
 First is administration formation, Cambodia start to form their administration such as divide the role to any Minister in each Ministry to work with the people. Especially is the participation between government and the public in order to find the new solutions for both parties directly. So the gap between the leader and the citizen may not far like before.
Second is law formation, to start a new country, laws is very important; all law shall be made by the legislative branch with the check and balance from other branch. It means that the new law is clearly state about the right and obligation of each parties, such as people and people, government and government, government, and the people, and other legal person, especially is accept and respect to the international law which come into force after passing be the senate.
Third is eliminate all inaction and corruption in all affairs, especially in government role, before we can forward to the word politic, we shall be eliminate all of weakness, which change the concept of selfish, in order to have many relationship with the other nation, state in the world especially the powerful state.
Fourth is expend the foreign affair, the democracy shall be have good relationship with any country in the world, because it could get more benefit when we have many friends, such as economic affair, matter related to the political relation, security matter, and social and cultural promotion.
Fifth is attract the investor and expand the export, because Cambodia just get up from the weakness, to be better health for Cambodia, investor is the main pill to weak up the Cambodia’s economic, then Cambodia have the better health, Cambodia shall be increase their product to the world, then the micro, or macro-economic shall be work in well process.
Sixth is strength the Education, and health care system, it is important to have enough human resource with the quantity and quality, many school is built for in the wide country, many university also grow up with the quality, exchange study program also work with many partnership. About health care services also deploy until the rural area, the doctors and student also have many train and seminaries every year, especially when any important related to the health benefit.
2.    Bad Impacts
Even, we get many benefits from the global politics, but there are also many bad impacts too such as Human rights, corruption, the weakness of law, and AFTA 2015.
2.1.             Human right
Because Cambodia is a poor country, so after the cool war ended, the human right issues is still not in green sign, because the freedom of public speaking still in limit, people still have low education about their rights, more than this, there are many concern to the government from the Non-government organizations, also the United Nation Responsible on Human Rights, UNHCR. If Cambodia get many concern, the barrier of government policy on foreign affair become the hot issue. Because the country that have many human rights abuse, the investor from outer also have no confident on the security and political stability, this means that Cambodia not yet fulfill its obligation to implement the law and not yet respectfully the Constitutional of Cambodia, also the Convention on Human Rights. We notice that human right is the main topic of the International Government Organizations to put the pressure to Cambodia. Normally if we got pressure form the outers, the process of Cambodia strategy to the world also not well processing.

2.2.             Corruption
When we open the door for capital, there would be have any corruption, which would be loss the National budget, Economic health, social belief, and the other inaction of administration of all affair especially in public affairs. According to the data on the Corruption in 2012, Cambodia stand for number 157 over 176 with 22 points, this consider that Cambodia still in the strongest corruption. The report on Cambodia corruption recently, is notice that Cambodia budget loss 500 million dollar per-year.

2.3.             ASEAN, AFTA 2015
Even, ASEAN or AFTA 2015 have many advantages to Cambodia but it also provide many disadvantages also, those disadvantage, is concern still hot for Cambodia currently or other nation states ,members. The challenges currently are inequality between the rich and the poor in the member states of ASEAN.
a.       Education, human resource
In education sector, the country that use English smoothly as formal language, such as Singapore, Philippine, and Malaysia, mostly could get good position and high salary in the large international companies in ASEAN region area. In contrast, the states which are developing countries, such as Cambodia, that occasion is very low, if we compare to them.
b.       Productivity of work,
The main issue of Cambodia is productivity work is in limited, but the product price is high because of the price of electricity and services are also high. Mostly the famous enterprise which establish in Cambodia use to lease the auditor from the outer of Cambodia to check and examination about their production quality in their enterprise, this means that the force labor in Cambodia still low with a little specialists too. The lower quality of work could be the salary which they get does not enough for the living standard. But the labor themselves shall be show their abilities to the entrepreneur, so he/she will pay the high salary to those labor. In this case the government also the entrepreneur shall be think about the general price of products, which is always increasing, so the labor price in Cambodia is also increase but in the small scale ta inflation.
c.       Trade deficit, import > export
Cambodia mostly exports their products to outer ASEAN market, but the export to ASEAN market mostly is agricultural products, raw materials. Cambodia seems lack of potential of product for export, if Cambodia still uses trade deficits, so the establishment of AFTA 2015, Cambodia seem loss many benefits.
So after the end of Cool War Cambodia also get impact, bad and good, from the global politics, but there are many good than bad if we compare to the past time for Cambodia during Cool War.